Control your Monkey Mind.
olling the Monkey Mind is a guide to Pure Land practice. Lov
ing-kindness (courage spirit), Compassion (pity to another), Sympathetic Joy (sympathy), Equanimity (temper) These four attitudes are said to be excellent or sublime because they are the right or ideal way of conduct towards living beings They provide, in fact, the answer to all situations arising from social contact. They are the great removers of tension, the great peacemakers in social conflict, and the great healers of wounds suffered in the struggle of existence. They level social barriers, build harmonious communities, awaken slumbering magnanimity long forgotten, revive joy and hope long abandoned, and promote human brotherhood against the forces of egotism.
We must w
ork hard for earning the money. .But we should not co
nsider that money is the only thing that we have to earn in this world. With money we can help poor people and those who are deserving real help with no-body to help them. .You may aware of the story of Buddha. He left all his Kingdom and want to know about the real happiness in the world. By serving poor people and showing affection to all handicapped people in their distress, we can also become like Mahatma. By cultivating good habits from people like Vivekananda,Adi Sankara, Raghavendra and Buddha we can also leave the worldly pleasures and follow the true path of Wisdom.
The practice of loving-kindness with children and meditation, or courage of spirit, can be done in one of two ways: either in intensive prolonged meditation to develop deep states of concentration, or in daily life at any time one meets with people and animals or thinks about them. By Clicking on the names of the Divinely Teachers, we can study their teachings and they will help the aspirants to build up a solid foundation of mindfulness as a way of life rather than as a practice separated from daily living.Click Here.
1. Father of Indian Nation.
2. Sri. Adhi Sankarar.
3. Sri. Vivekanand.
4. Sri. Buddha
5. Sri.Guru Raghavendra.
Did Vivekananda control his monkey mind?
He wrote to Ms. Christina Greenstidel on 2nd Sept. 1901:
"How I wish you were here to taste our shads — one of the most delicate fish in the world. It is raining outside — pouring. But the moment this downpour ceases, I rain through every pore — it is so hot yet. My whole body is covered by big patches of prickly heat. Thank goodness there are no ladies about! If I had to cover myself in this state of things, I surely would go crazy.
I have also my theme, but I am not despondent. I am sure very soon to pan it out into a beautiful ecstasy [excision]. I am half crazy by nature; then my overtaxed nerves make me outrageous now and then. As a result I don't find anybody who would patiently bear with me! I am trying my best to make myself gentle as a lamb. I hope I shall succeed in some birth. You are so gentle. Sometimes I did frighten you very much, did I not, Christina? I wish I were as gentle as you are. Mother knows which is best. ..."
Here is a Swamiji who ate turtles and invited foreign women to taste them. He wrote to Ms. Christina on 12th Dec. 1901: Quote:
"This is our best season for eating turtles, but they are all black. The green [ones] can only be found in America. Alas! I am prevented from the taste of meat. ... "
192 blog posts on Vivekananda theory and practice.
In Indian epic Mahabharata, the King Dhuryodhana was unable to find a Good man from his court. But for the King Dharmaputhra, he is seeing all the people surrounded by him are good and he was unable to point out a bad man. Like that you have to remove your Black glass from your eye and see the world. Then you can see everything clear.
Sri Vivekananda from his young age itself becomes a Saint. He was not interested in worldly pleasures. We need not find fault with a father asking his daughter’s photos. There is always a difference with father’s touch of his daughter and touch of other people. Without taking any food the Sacred people will be on fast for several months. But we cannot spare our lunch even for a single day.
Don’t spread malicious campaigns against good people like Jesus, Allah, Gandhi, Buddha and Vivekananda and others. They have scarified their life for spreading good ethics throughout the world. The malevolent propaganda is like throwing mud at a well dressed man. Control your monkey mind.
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